Link Boost Package

Package Includes:

1. Comprehensive SEO Package

You will receive one SEO Package with approximately 4500 Tier 1 Powerful SEO Backlinks, distributed as follows: 2400 Web 2.0 Blogs, 1200 Wiki Articles, 400 Social Bookmarking, 200 Web Directories, and 300 Web 2.0 Profiles. Each Tier 1 post will link back to your url website using either the keywords provided by you or generic keywords such as ‘click here’ or ‘visit this site’…

2. Creation of 8 Unique SEO Packages with Niche-Relevant Backlinks

Next we will create 8 Distinct SEO Packages, each tailored to provide tens of thousands of backlinks from niche-relevant posts. These backlinks are strategically incorporated into Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier 4, thereby reinforcing and directing traffic back to all Tier 1 backlinks from the first step.

4. Blog Comments Backlinks

We will also use Blog Comments Backlinks to obtain an average of 2500 Blog Comments Backlinks (unique domains) that will get indexed by Google very fast. It takes only 24h to Start Indexing, and within weeks, most of the links will be indexed by Google and major SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz…

6. Enhanced Visibility

Social likes and shares will be provided for all Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 links, as well as social signals for faster indexing.

7. Optimized Anchor Text Strategy

Anchor text will consist of 10% of your keywords and 90% generic text such as “Click Here” or “Visit this Site”.

8. Package Limitations

We will only accept 1 URL and 1 keyword per package.

9. Estimated Delivery Time

Delivery time is estimated to be average 30 days.